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3 Fun Games To Keep Your Dog Busy During Quarantine

It’s great to be able to spend more time with our four legged best friends during stay at home orders but our pets still need mental and physical stimulation. So what kind of activities can be integrated into our routines at home to challenge our dogs? We’ll be going over them below.

Treasure Hunt

This can be done by taking some of your best friend’s favorite treats and dispersing them in places like different rooms or spots throughout the house. If you want to keep it simple, you can limit it to one room for the first couple of times. You will then call their name, put one of the treats in plain sight and practice using the desired command that signals them to find the “treasures.” Let them find that treat that’s in plain sight and gradually increase the level of difficulty. You can always help guide them if they are a bit lost at first. Dogs are very smart and will get the hang of it the more you play. Happy hunting!

Solving A Problem

This type of game will not only reward your dog but it will also teach them the skill of pulling a string. You’ll start by tying a ribbon or small rope to a treat and hide it under a small platform or piece of furniture. Put the treat far back enough so they can’t reach the treat with their mouth or paw. Encourage your dog to get curious and investigative and see how long it takes for them to tug on the string to retrieve the treat. This problem solving game is great for reasoning skills for dogs of all ages. Play this game, praise your dog, and watch their confidence soar!

Hide & Seek

You will start by having your dog sit and stay, or you can have a friend or family member hold them. While your dog is sitting or being held, find a good hiding spot to hide. When you’re ready, call your dog to come and find you. It shouldn’t take too long for them to find you since their sense of smell is super. But if they are puzzled you can keep calling their name to encourage them to keep seeking. Reward them once they discover you! As you play the game more and more, you can pick more challenging spots to hide in. Before you know it, your dog will be a seeking expert!

Be creative when playing with your best friend(s). You could even make your own game up to play with them. The most important thing to your pet is that they are spending quality time with you. Have fun and stay safe!


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All proceeds from Thousand Hills Pet Resort support New Life K9s. New Life K9s provides service dogs to veterans and first responders with PTSD at no cost to them.




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Dog is a pet that is kept by many of us for our protection and to see the loyality of that animal so much with many of us. The thousand hill pet resort has the technical sense of accounting homework help in busy the dog during quarantine by disturbing his exercise activity on larger extent.

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